Are You Paranoid?


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Do You Need to Attract and Engage Millennials?

Millennials are often referred to as high maintenance, unmotivated job hoppers. The reality is…they aren’t going anywhere. By 2025, they’ll make up 75% of the workforce (according to Forbes). real estate executive search firm

Let’s cut to the chase…
“Millennials are just like everyone else. Some are fantastic talented employees. Others are uninspired and unmotivated.”

The focus should not be on specifically attracting or keeping millennials, but rather attracting the best of the best. At the end of the day, we all just want our needs to be met.

How do you meet those needs?

  1. Teamwork makes the dreamwork: employees are motivated by a sense of connection with their co-workers and customers. People need and want to feel a sense of belonging.
  2. Growth: if you want to keep your peak performers, you need to show them that you’re invested in their growth.
  3. Social good: in addition to financial rewards, peak performers may be more apt to stick around if your company makes them feel like they’re making a positive impact in the world. Consider PTO for volunteering.


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Create Your Own Network

When’s the last time you attended a networking event? How was it? Did you leave with 100 business cards? Were you asked to refer someone? The list goes on…

Don’t get us wrong. We’re all for networking, but sometimes finding the best networking group can feel like a chore.

Sometimes you gotta start your own. Enter new business consultant, Debbie Clark. Debbie was sick of people in suits desperately trying to sell her, so she created something she actually wanted to attend.

How’d she do it?
Debbie partnered up with a few business owners and hosted her first event at a local cafe. Free food and booze lead to a sell-out event. Membership grew quickly. The Facebook group is now 1000 strong and the monthly events attract around 30 women.

Takeaway: Focus on building lasting connections and the people will come. Free food and booze never hurt.


Paranoia, Paranoia

We’re freaking out over here. Just kidding, but maybe we should be. Kai-Fu Lee is the former president of Google China. The guy’s invested in 13 companies that have attained billion dollar valuations. That’s a lot of zeros.

The secret ingredient: Most successful entrepreneurs are paranoid.

Many of these successful companies have Chinese entrepreneurs at their helm, who operate under a different mindset than the typical American entrepreneur.”

Chinese entrepreneurs aren’t afraid to duplicate good ideas, which ultimately leads to fierce competition.

Embrace the paranoia.

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